Monday, 4 May 2020

Working From School

                                            This is a slide about bubble school.
How do you work?


  1. Hi Theo

    I did not know it was Star Wars Day today. Thank you for that information. I must admit you made me smile with the pun on slide 4. I know you are a big Star Wars fan. Maybe you could do a passion project on Star Wars for your blog. You could include a scratch project, that would be fun!

    I remember going to the first Star Wars movie called the 'Return of the Jedi'. Have you seen it? They have added so many more characters now I don't know if I could watch some of the new movies and recognise the the characters and their relationships to the characters I knew.

    Are you enjoying learning online? I am pleased with the way you are directing your own learning and challenging yourself with additional tasks. How are you finding being in the classroom. Do you like being in a mixed age class where you work at your own pace? Is this something you would like to do more of when we all return to class?

    Keep up the great work Theo.

    Mrs H

  2. Hi Theo
    This is a very good explanation of Bubble School and why you are at Bubble School. Also being able to describe the Advantages and Disadvantages of doing it. I think all your points are very valid and people can see that if they come to Bubble School, it isn't just a chance to see your friends. So weighing everything up, do you like Bubble school?

  3. I really enjoyed your slides Theo. That was a good explanation of bubble school. I like the saying May the 4th be with you, it is very clever. Do you like Star Wars?

    1. Yes I like Star Wars, sooo much, I probably know more than my Dad. I have watched lots of Star Wars over the past year.

  4. Hi Theo, thats a great slide. I have enjoyed bubble school as's really different to normal school. what do you like the best ..home or bubble school?


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