Thursday, 30 April 2020

Washing Hands

I bet you all know how to wash your hands but I'm going to go over those rules.
Tip: If you have dirty hands and the door is shut use your elbows to open it so when other people finish washing there hands and they close the door they will not get germs.
1.  If you have liquid soap only push it once, But if you have a block soap use the same amount you usually use with it.
2. Rub the soap into your hands in between your fingers, basically all over your hand and on your wrist.
3. Turn on the tap wash your hands for twenty seconds or you can sing happy birthday twice that will be about twenty seconds.
4. Turn off the tap, and then wipe your hands clean so there is no water left.
Do you know all the rules?

Thursday, 23 April 2020

ANZAC Biscuits

Me and my Dad have made some ANZAC biscuits. I have not tried them but it was fun to make. Did you know ANZAC means Australia New Zealand Army Corp?  My great-great-grandfather died in  WWI. Have you ever tried ANZAC biscuits?

Friday, 17 April 2020

Weekly Challenge

The classes weekly challenge was to make a boat, out of foam or thin cardboard. I thought that it was going to go around because it was called a soap speeder.  My Mum drew where I had to cut, then I cut it out then followed the instructions with the help of my Mum. In the end, it didn't do anything except float. Discussing Questions: I don't know,  I don't know, the pepper will leave your finger alone.
What is your favorite experiment?

Thursday, 16 April 2020

My Card Game

                                            This is a card game that I got when I was in Spain when the virus wasn't there and that bad. I'm good at the game because it's my game. It is not that bad because you have medicine and treatments to get rid of the virus, or if you have a virus in your hand you can give it to another person if they have the right organ.

You have three cards in a hand, place down an organ to creat your body. To get organs, you have to have an organ in your hand and then place it down, if the organ is grey that means you can't infect it, you can only infect the organ that is the same colour as the virus. You win by having four healthy organs. The medicines can help you by killing a virus or vaccinating it which if you have a virus you can destroy it, or experimental medicines can immunize an organ so then they can't get infected. The rainbow organ means that you can vaccinate it or immunize it, also infect it with any virus. The rainbow viruses can infect any organ or it can be destroyed by any medicine. The rainbow medicine can cure any virus.

What is your favorite card game?

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

My Brothers Discord Server

If you don't know what Discord is, here is a paragraph about it. You don't have to have it. Discord is a thing that you can chat with people if they have a Discord group or help like I have some Discord groups to help me with games like Roblox.  Also if you have friends and they have Discord you can chat and make a call, like skype and that is a reason you don't have to have it.
So my brother has a youtube channel, and this is his discord sever he made. I'm a high rank in the sever. His youtube channel is in the Discord server.
Do you have something like Discord?

Friday, 3 April 2020

Autism Awareness Day

This is for Autism Awareness Day, this is a photo I took yesterday. This is for yesterdays event. I hope you had a good day.
Do you know about this?

Powelliphanta Lego

                                            This is lego that we made for a competition. Fun fact, Powelliphanta can grow to the size of your palm. This took Me and my Dad a while to make this is the last day to do it.  It can connect to the shell and disconnect off. I think we are the only people doing a snail. There are twenty slides that took days and I think that I did like 5 or 6 slides a day. Fun Fact they eat worms because they are hunting snails.
Will you answer all the questions in the slide?

Thursday, 2 April 2020

Star Wars Stuff

I like Star Wars because I like all the stuff in Star Wars, and I know more than my Dad, and he likes Star Wars. My favorite Star Wars character is Captain Rex of Star Wars Clone Wars Series. I like the clones because they are so cool and have very good weapons. I have a Star Wars game called Star Wars Battlefront II. The basic class I use is assault for now, but my highest level one is specialist class at level 43. On Star Wars Battlefront II I use Darth Vader, when I can because he gets me lots of kills.
Do you like Star Wars?